Sri Kailash Mens Hostel

Home Away Home

Safety First

Preventive Measures against Covid-19 spread,hand sanitizer given while entering and leaving, 24 hours running water for regular handwash, routine cleaning and disinfect spray done to ensure safety

Best Location and amenities

Home Away Home, Neat, calm & well maintained rooms with kitchen. Very close to Loyola college, Shankara Nethralaya, Apollo hospital and SIMS.

Air-conditioned rooms

A bright clean and well maintained a/c rooms at affordable cost offers you a comfortable stay and makes you stay longer.

Aerated non AC rooms

Adequate ventilation can reduce the concentration of airborne pathogens through removing or diluting airborne droplet. A higher ventilation rate can provide a higher dilution capability and consequently potentially reduce the risk of airborne infections, ideal to prevent us from spread of COVID -19, fresh air flow makes you feel fresh always.

Excellent Reception

A comfortable sofa, chair and a television set with an excellent ambiance at the reception area makes everyone feel welcomed.

Airy Surroundings

Building surrounded by pleasant greenery and trees improve the quality of the air inside the building. Greenery impacts positive effect on health.

Expansive & spacious balcony

What's better than happy hour at the balcony? A balcony with a chair lets you relax while you enjoy the stay

Shadowed Car & Two wheeler parking

Wide shadowed safe parking for cars and two-wheelers, all parking spaces is well maintained in a clean and litter-free condition.

24/7 CCTV surveillance for unmatched security

Security without compromise, we constantly endeavour to deploy latest Security technology.

Terrace gym with plant pots

Terrace gym workout helps you get fresh air which helps to alleviate insomnia. Regular exercise and fresh air will help you to fall asleep and improve the quality of your sleep, also makes your workout different, more effective and refreshing.

Spacious terrace

Stepping into a generously spacious airy terrace gives your mind a sense of ease and comfort.

Fixed large and long Cloth hanger

Fast drying cloth hanger with abundant space available in terrace makes your cloths dry sooner.

WIFI Broadband Internet

Wi-Fi has become an essential utility like electricity and water in most of the modern community, secured round the clock available wireless internet connection gives you seamless experience and makes to stay online without a lag especially when you prepare yourself for an examination or a promotion.

Continuous power ensured with backup power generator

We challenge the power cut with superior power generator that ensures the connected devices run smoothly with out interruption, lets remember good memories and not the power outage anymore.

Clean Water Dispenser

Quench your thirst anytime, water dispenser provides easy access to RO purified and filtered water, regular cleaning keeps it away from dust and germs to serve only clean water.


Contact Us

Sri Kailash Mens Hostel

No 25, 10th Street

Sowrashtra Nagar


Chennai - 600094

Contact number: 9841040129, 9384690129


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